Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Dupilicity Of Ikebal Patel

Pictured above is Mr Ikebal Patel, president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils. Australia's peak Islamic body that, in its submission to the parliamentary inquiry into how to best ram multiculturalism down the throat of each and every last Australian, has called for Muslims in Australia to be granted “legal pluralism'' i.e Sharia law. The AFIC argues that a mild brand of sharia should be allowed in family law and divorces, promising it would fit in with Australian values. Thankfully, Sharia law is at present a step too far for even the out of control Gillard government to consider and poor old Ikebal has been told to forget about it.

And yes, this is the very same Ikebal Patel who said just the other day that the Australian Defence League was "provocative and wrong to believe that most Australian Muslims wanted to bring in sharia law."
OK, so not most Muslims in Australia, Mr Patel, just you and their peak body.

What's that ? Duplicitous, you say. Yes I thought so too.

By the way, when he refers to the sharia aspects of Islamic divorce one area worth considering is the Sunni Muslim male's right to divorce his wife simply by saying 'talaq' (I divorce thee) three times.

Kind of like Dorothy clicking her heels together and saying 'there's no place like home' three times.

Perhaps Mr Ikebal would like to borrow Dorothy's shoes?

But I doubt it.

So what will happen now instead is that Mr Patel, darling of the multi-kulti zealouts, 2011's Australia day ambassador and a recipient of last year's Pride of Australia medal - for devouring taxpayer's money in helping immigrant Muslims with their seemingly never-ending self-inflicted integration problems, no less - will continue to call for aspects of sharia law to run as a parallel legal code within Australia.
Creeping sharia, if you will. Creeping sharia, if you won't.
He will continue to do this because he knows that all through Europe sharia courts have been given the green light in the name of cultural equality and inclusiveness.

Well I have a message for Mr Patel;

What you see in Europe is not 'cultural equality and inclusiveness'. It is the total capitulation of freedoms, traditions and systems of law in the face of a backwards and bloodthirsty ideology and if you're thinking, thinking just for one fucking second, somewhere in that excitable little head of yours that Australians are going to offer up that same kind of half-arsed piss-weak resistance to that ideaology then you, Sir, are sadly mistaken.



Anonymous said...

Well said Groompy Tom....you are a man after my own heart.....Thank you sir.

Groompy Tom said...

No, no. The pleasure is all mine, Anonymous.

nisakiman said...

"What you see in Europe is not 'cultural equality and inclusiveness'. It is the total capitulation of freedoms, traditions and systems of law in the face of a backwards and bloodthirsty ideology and if you're thinking, thinking just for one fucking second, somewhere in that excitable little head of yours that Australians are going to offer up that same kind of half-arsed piss-weak resistance to that ideaology then you, Sir, are sadly mistaken."

Much as I agree with the sentiment, I fear that Australia will capitulate, and in fairly short order, given the enthusiasm with which it has embraced all sorts of other PC fuckwittery like AGW, smoking bans, grovelling apologies to the native population for crimes that they, personally, didn't commit, the up and coming new temperance movement in the guise of "health" advice...I could go on.

No, the way I see it is that Australia wants to lead the world in sequestering the liberties of it's citizens "for the greater good". The ultimate "modern, 21st century" Nation, shining the beacon of the new political Enlightenment, leaders in the push for the New World Order.

It's all very sad. Australia's great strength was it's pioneering, seat-of-the-pants "can do, even if we bend the rules a tad" approach to building a nation. It would seem that the PTB, and via the MSM, a large tranche of the urban population have decided they like the look of the European model.

I can just imagine them in Canberra - "Fucking Poms might have won the Ashes, but we'll fucking shit all over 'em in the PC stakes..."

Groompy Tom said...

Great comment, nisakiman.

And as you point out "a large tranche of the urban population have decided they like the look of the European model", but this does not hold true for country Australia who want nothing at all to do with all this PC fuckwittery. I think it's in country Australia where the PTB may find themselves up against stiff resistance in implementing their utopian visions.

Having said that, the PTB were clever enough to practically disarm country Australia a while back so perhaps you're right. Maybe all is lost?

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